分離比解析:S.A.G.E. 遺伝疫学ソフトウェア

  • 論文
  • どんな解析ができる?(こちら)
    • データのクオリティを含む基本記述統計
    • アレル頻度とHardy-Weinberg 平衡検定
    • 遺伝率の推定と家族内相関の計算
    • 遺伝形式、浸透率を表す関数を、発症年齢による違いを含めて推定
    • 血縁関係者におけるIBD推定
    • パラメトリック連鎖解析
    • ノンパラメトリック連鎖解析
    • TDT解析
    • 家系データにおけるアレルと形質の関連解析・非血縁標本に夜アレルと形質の関連解析
  • ウェブサイト(opensage)
  • まずは、動いてくれないとどうにもならないので、今、一番やりたい分離比解析が動くようにしてみる
  • GUIは「親切そう」でいて、実は結構使いづらい…
  • しかし、すべてのファイルをテキストエディタで作るのも結構面倒臭い
    • なぜなら、いろいろな解析手法でパラメタファイルがわかりにくいから(そしてマニュアルが分かりにくいから、そしてサンプルファイルがいまいちだから…)
  • 入力ファイルの原則は2つ
    • 血縁関係と個人のフェノタイプ(とジェノタイプを書くファイル)
    • 解析アプリの実行パラメタのファイル
  • 分離比解析の例を取る
    • 血縁関係・フェノタイプ・ジェノタイプのファイル
1	1	.	.	0	1	60	50
1	2	.	.	1	0	60	50
1	3	2	1	0	1	30	20
1	4	2	1	1	1	25	20
2	1	.	.	0	1	60	50
2	2	.	.	1	0	60	50
2	3	2	1	0	1	30	20
2	4	2	1	1	1	25	20
3	1	.	.	0	1	60	50
3	2	.	.	1	0	60	50
3	3	2	1	0	1	30	20
3	4	2	1	1	1	25	20
4	1	.	.	0	1	60	50
4	2	.	.	1	0	60	50
4	3	2	1	0	1	30	20
4	4	2	1	1	1	25	20
    • 実行パラメタのファイル
  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : one susceptibility
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : 
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc                 1.23132670     -----------     -0.15668816     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.66901841     -----------     -0.59218639     Independent

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be
    Variance-covariance matrix not available due to computational problems.
    See below.

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     
mother_offspring      -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     
sib_sib               -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.88794
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7759
    Akaike's AIC score : 19.7759

%SEGREG-E: Likelihood may not be maximized because of model constraints on
%SEGREG-E: Estimating fewer parameters may help.

  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : two susceptibilities
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc_AA_AB           0.74945359     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_BB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00653058     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.69606585     -----------     -0.58576630     Independent
  prob_AA              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_AB              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_BB              1.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  freq_A               0.00000000     -----------      0.00000000     Ind. func. fixed @ bnd

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be
    Variance-covariance matrix not available due to computational problems.
    See below.

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
mother_offspring      -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
sib_sib               -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.86935
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7387
    Akaike's AIC score : 21.7387

%SEGREG-E: Likelihood may not be maximized because of model constraints on
%SEGREG-E: Estimating fewer parameters may help.

  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : three susceptibilities
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc_AA              1.19474432     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_AB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_BB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.69606585     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  prob_AA              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_AB              0.00001025     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_BB              0.99998975     -----------                     Dependent
  freq_A               0.00000513     -----------      0.00000000     Independent functional

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be
    Variance-covariance matrix not available due to computational problems.
    See below.

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
mother_offspring      -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
sib_sib               -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.86935
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7387
    Akaike's AIC score : 25.7387

                    Likelihoods for Commingling Analysis

Option                       LN(Likelihood)  -2 LN(Likelihood)  Akaike's AIC score
one susceptibility                 -7.8879            15.7759             19.7759
two susceptibilities               -7.8694            15.7387             21.7387
three susceptibilities             -7.8694            15.7387             25.7387
  • 実行コマンド
    • 実行プログラムにパラメタファイル、データファイルの順で引き渡している
C:\S.A.G.E.v6.3\bin>segreg.exe C:\Users\ryamada\Desktop\SAGE\test2\SEGREG8.par C
  • 出力ファイル
    • 1つ目
  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : one susceptibility
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : 
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc                 1.23132670     -----------     -0.15668816     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.66901841     -----------     -0.59218639     Independent

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be
    Variance-covariance matrix not available due to computational problems.
    See below.

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     
mother_offspring      -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     
sib_sib               -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.88794
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7759
    Akaike's AIC score : 19.7759

%SEGREG-E: Likelihood may not be maximized because of model constraints on
%SEGREG-E: Estimating fewer parameters may help.

  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : two susceptibilities
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc_AA_AB           0.74945359     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_BB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00653058     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.69606585     -----------     -0.58576630     Independent
  prob_AA              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_AB              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_BB              1.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  freq_A               0.00000000     -----------      0.00000000     Ind. func. fixed @ bnd

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be
    Variance-covariance matrix not available due to computational problems.
    See below.

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
mother_offspring      -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
sib_sib               -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.86935
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7387
    Akaike's AIC score : 21.7387

%SEGREG-E: Likelihood may not be maximized because of model constraints on
%SEGREG-E: Estimating fewer parameters may help.

  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : three susceptibilities
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc_AA              1.19474432     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_AB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_BB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.69606585     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  prob_AA              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_AB              0.00001025     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_BB              0.99998975     -----------                     Dependent
  freq_A               0.00000513     -----------      0.00000000     Independent functional

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be
    Variance-covariance matrix not available due to computational problems.
    See below.

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
mother_offspring      -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
sib_sib               -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.86935
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7387
    Akaike's AIC score : 25.7387

                    Likelihoods for Commingling Analysis

Option                       LN(Likelihood)  -2 LN(Likelihood)  Akaike's AIC score
one susceptibility                 -7.8879            15.7759             19.7759
two susceptibilities               -7.8694            15.7387             21.7387
three susceptibilities             -7.8694            15.7387             25.7387
    • 2つ目
  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : one susceptibility
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : 
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc                 1.23132670     -----------     -0.15668816     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.66901841     -----------     -0.59218639     Independent

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     
mother_offspring      -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     
sib_sib               -0.2919             -0.2919             -0.2919           -0.291905                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.88794
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7759
    Akaike's AIC score : 19.7759

%SEGREG-E: Likelihood may not be maximized because of model constraints on
%SEGREG-E: Estimating fewer parameters may help.

  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : two susceptibilities
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc_AA_AB           0.74945359     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_BB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00653058     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.69606585     -----------     -0.58576630     Independent
  prob_AA              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_AB              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_BB              1.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  freq_A               0.00000000     -----------      0.00000000     Ind. func. fixed @ bnd

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
mother_offspring      -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
sib_sib               -0.3696             -0.3696             -0.3023           -0.302331                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.86935
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7387
    Akaike's AIC score : 21.7387

%SEGREG-E: Likelihood may not be maximized because of model constraints on
%SEGREG-E: Estimating fewer parameters may help.

  SEGREG Analysis for Trait : AFFECTIOn
  # Model Specification  

    Model Class MLM
    Type susceptibilities        : three susceptibilities
    Residual correlations        : No spouse correlation, parent-offspring and
                                   sib-sib correlations equal
    Type frequency               : Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    Transmission                 : homogeneous no transmission

  # Number of constituent pedigrees   : 4
  # Number of unconnected individuals : 0

  # Final Estimates : 

  Parameter           Parameter Est.  Standard Err.   First Deriv.   Status
  susc_AA              1.19474432     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_AB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  susc_BB              1.19623294     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  marital resid a      0.00000000     -----------                     Fixed
  po = ss resid a     -1.69606585     -----------      0.00000000     Independent
  prob_AA              0.00000000     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_AB              0.00001025     -----------                     Dependent
  prob_BB              0.99998975     -----------                     Dependent
  freq_A               0.00000513     -----------      0.00000000     Independent functional

%SEGREG-I: The likelihood surface is flat and standard errors cannot be

                                        Residual Correlations

                       AA                  AB                  BB                  Overall
father_mother          0.0000              0.0000              0.0000           0                             
father_offspring      -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
mother_offspring      -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     
sib_sib               -0.3026             -0.3023             -0.3023           -0.302331                     

        LN(Likelihood) : -7.86935
     -2 LN(Likelihood) : 15.7387
    Akaike's AIC score : 25.7387