ぱらぱらめくる『Algebraic and Geometirc Methods in Statistics』目次
Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics
- 作者: Paolo Gibilisco,Eva Riccomagno,Maria Piera Rogantin,Henry P. Wynn
- 出版社/メーカー: Cambridge University Press
- 発売日: 2009/10/22
- メディア: ハードカバー
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- 第3章は先行してこちら
- 目次
- 1. Algebraic and geometric methods in statistics
- Part I. Contingency Tables:
- 2...8 は分割表とその周辺度数制約や、観察分割表とモデルとの整合性に関すること
- 9... は分割表を対称性、割り付け方などの観点から見て、「スタディデザイン論」としての統計学との関連すること
- 2. Maximum likelihood estimation in latent class model
- 3. Algebraic geometry of 2 x 2 contingency tables
- 4. Model selection for contingency tables with algebraic statistics
- 5. Markov chains, quotient ideals, and connectivity
- 6. Algebraic category distinguishability
- 7. Algebraic complexity of MLE for bivariate missing data
- 8. The generalized shuttle algorithm
- 9. Generalised design
- 10. Design of experiments and biochemical network inference
- 11. Replicated measurements and algebraic statistics
- 12. Indicator function and sudoku designs
- 13. Markov basis for design of experiments and three-level factors
- Part III. Information Geometry:
- 確率分布(がパラメタ表示されていることを使って)を点に対応させると、確率分布たちが多様体をなす、そんな話
- 14. Non-parametric estimation
- 15. Banach manifold of quantum states
- 16. On quantum information manifolds
- 17. Axiomatic geometries for text documents
- 18. Exponential manifold by reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
- 19. Extended exponential models
- 20. Quantum statistics and measures of quantum information
- Part IV. Information Geometry and Algebraic Statistics:
- 21. Algebraic varieties vs differentiable manifolds
- Part V. On-Line Supplements
- 22. Maximum likelihood estimation in latent class models
- 23. The generalized shuttle algorithm
- 24. Indicator function and sudoku designs
- 25. Replicated measurements and algebraic statistics
- 26. Extended exponential models