ぱらぱらめくる『Nature Reviews Genetics』2015
- 年末。
- 12月号
- Single-cell epigenomics: techniques and emerging applications
- 1細胞エピゲノム
- Single-cell epigenomics: techniques and emerging applications
- 11月号
- Molecular insights into transgenerational non-genetic inheritance of acquired behaviours
- DNA配列によらない後天的行動の遺伝
- Random monoallelic expression of autosomal genes: stochastic transcription and allele-level regulation
- autosomal Random monoallelic expression (aRME) of genes 個々の細胞レベルで、どちらかのアレルだけが発現する、という現象の話
- Molecular insights into transgenerational non-genetic inheritance of acquired behaviours
- 10月号
- R loops: new modulators of genome dynamics and function
- R-loop (RNAとDNAが構成する構造)が関与する現象について
- R loops: new modulators of genome dynamics and function
- 9月号
- Augmented genetic decoding: global, local and temporal alterations of decoding processes and codon meaning
- コドンのバリエーション
- The dynamics of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy: implications for human health and disease
- ミトコンドリアDNAのバリアントとヒト疾患フェノタイプ
- Return of genetic testing results in the era of whole-genome sequencing
- 全ゲノムシークエンシング時代の遺伝子検査結果の回付
- Augmented genetic decoding: global, local and temporal alterations of decoding processes and codon meaning
- 8月号
- Evolutionary consequences of drug resistance: shared principles across diverse targets and organisms
- 薬剤耐性
- Pervasive robustness in biological systems
- フェノタイプの頑健性
- Evolutionary consequences of drug resistance: shared principles across diverse targets and organisms
- 6月号
- Machine learning applications in genetics and genomics
- 機械学習アプリ
- Machine learning applications in genetics and genomics
- 5月号
- Genetic linkage analysis in the age of whole-genome sequencing
- 全ゲノムシークエンス時代の連鎖解析
- Genetic linkage analysis in the age of whole-genome sequencing
- 3月号
- Computational and analytical challenges in single-cell transcriptomics
- Single-cell トランスクリプトーム
- A copy number variation map of the human genome
- ヒトゲノムのCNVマップ
- Computational and analytical challenges in single-cell transcriptomics
- 2月号
- Methods of integrating data to uncover genotype–phenotype interactions
- 多データ層インテグレーション
- Competition between target sites of regulators shapes post-transcriptional gene regulation
- 翻訳後修飾
- Methods of integrating data to uncover genotype–phenotype interactions
- 1月号
- Single-cell and multivariate approaches in genetic perturbation screens
- 1細胞、多変量解析
- Spatially resolved transcriptomics and beyond
- 細胞の組織上の位置、細胞内の分子の位置、など位置情報を取り込んだトランスクリプトーム
- Single-cell and multivariate approaches in genetic perturbation screens