High Dimensionality
- Many genes
- Many features
- Many biomarkers
- 検索結果
- Sparse
- cells with 5 markers
- grid; one cubicle only has 1 cell in average. It is too sparse to estimate density in a regular way.
- cells with 5 markers
- No center, no common individuals
N <- 10^4 x <- runif(N)-0.5 y <- runif(N)-0.5 s <- which(x^2+y^2<0.5^2) plot(x,y,pch=20,cex=1) points(x[s],y[s],pch=20,cex=1,col="red")
n <- 1:10 r <- 0.5 vol.hypersphere <- pi^(n/2)/gamma(n/2+1) * r^n plot(n,vol.hypersphere,pch=20,cex=3)