Geometry, Grades 9-12: Mcdougal Littell High School Math (Holt McDougal Larson Geometry)
- 作者: Holt Mcdougal
- 出版社/メーカー: McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin
- 発売日: 2006/01/05
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 6回
- この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る
- acute angle
- acute triangle
- adjacent angles
- alternate exterior angles:2本の直線とそれらに交叉する直線が作る各で、2本の直線の外側にあって、交叉する直線の異なる側にある2角
- alternate interior angles
- altitute of a triangle
- angle
- angle bisector
- angle of depression: 俯角 ものを見下ろしたときに、水平な線と視線の作る角
- angle of elevatio: 仰角
- angle of rotation
- apothem of a polygon:辺心距離 多角形の中心から辺までの距離
- arc length
- axiom
- base angles of a trapezoid: 台形の水平な辺の両端点の内角ペア
- base angles of an isosceles triangle
- base of a parallelogram
- base of a prism
- base of a pyramid
- base of an isosceles triangle
- bases of a trapezoid
- between: 間の点
- biconditional statement:相互条件的な文(命題)。if and only if 【略】iff 必要十分条件文
- center of a circle
- center of a polygon
- center of a sphere
- center of dilation
- center of rotation
- center of symmetry
- central angle of a circle
- central angle of a regular polygon
- centroid of a triangle: 三角形の重心
- chord of a circle: 弦
- chord of a sphere
- circle
- circumcenter of a triangle: 外心
- circumference
- circumscribled circle: 外接円
- collinear points: 共線性の点 同一直線上にある点
- complementary angles
- component from of a vector:ベクトルの成分分解した表示形式(水平成分と垂直成分のような)
- composition of transformations
- concave polygon
- conclusion
- concurrent: 3個以上の直線、ray(射線)・線分が1点で交わること
- conditional statement
- cone
- congruence transformation
- congruent angles
- congruent arcs
- congruent circles
- congruent figures
- congruent segments
- conjecture
- consecutive interior angles: 2本の直線とその交線が作る角で、、2本の線に挟まれた側にあり、交線の同じ側にある2角
- construction:幾何的な作図
- contrapositive:対偶の (仮説と結論の両方を否定し、仮説と結論を取り替えた文(命題))
- converse:仮説と結論を取り替えた文(命題)
- convex polygon
- convex polyhedron
- coordinate: 座標(これは実数スカラー)
- coordinate proof
- coplanar points
- corollary to a theorem:他の命題や定理から直接導かれる文(命題)
- corresponding angles:同位角 2本の直線とその交線が作る角で、「同位にある」角
- corresponding parts
- cosine
- counterexample :反例
- cross section: 断面
- cube
- cylinder:円柱
- decagon
- deductive reasoning:演繹的推論法
- defined terms
- diagonal of a polygon
- diameter of a circle
- diameter of a sphere
- dilation
- dimensions of a matrix: 行列の次数(NxMなので、次元を表す数は2つ(複数)
- distance between two points on a line
- distance from a point to a line
- dodecagon
- dodecaherdon
- edge of apolyhedron
- element of a matrix
- endpoints
- enlargement
- equiangular polygon
- equiangular triangle
- equidistant
- equilateral polygon
- equilateral triangle
- equivalent statements: 共に真か、共に偽であるような2つの文(命題)
- exterior angles of a triangle
- external segment: 円の割線の円外部分
- extremes of a proportion:の
- face of a polyhedron
- flow proof
- fractal: self-similarな物体
- geometric mean
- geometric probability
- glide reflection:滑空鏡映 移動と移動ベクトルに関する鏡映との合成変換
- great circle
- greatest possible error
- height of a parallelogram
- height of a trapezoid
- hemisphere
- heptagon
- hexagon
- horizontal component of a vector
- hypotenuse : 斜辺 直角三角形の直角の対辺
- hypothesis
- icosahedron
- if-then form
- image
- incenter of a triangle: 内心
- indirect proof
- inductive reasoning
- initial point of a vector
- inscribed angle: 内接角 円周上の点を頂点とする角
- inscribed polygon
- intecepted arc: 内接角が切り取る弧
- interior angles of a triangle
- intersection
- inverse: 条件文の仮説を結論の両方を否定したもの
- ineverse cosine
- inverse sine
- inverse tangent
- isometric drawing: 等角投影図
- isometry
- isosceles trapezoid:等脚台形
- isosceles triangle
- iteration: 繰り返し 反復
- kite
- lateral area: 側面積
- lateral edges of a prism
- lateral faces of a prism
- lateral surface of a cone
- legs of a right triangle
- legs of a trapezoid
- legs of an isosceles triangle
- line
- line of reflection
- line of symmetry
- line perpendicular to a plane
- line segment
- line symmetry
- linear pair: 1本の射線を共有する2つの角があり、その2角が共有しない射線が逆方向にあるような2角
- locus in a plane: 平面上の点のうち、ある条件を満足するようなすべての点の集合
- major arc
- matrix
- means of a proportion: の
- measure of a major arc
- measure of a minor arc
- measure of an angle
- median of a triangle: 中線
- midpoint
- midsegment of a trapezoid
- midsegment of a triangle: 三角形の辺の中点を結んだ線分
- minor arc
- negation
- net: 展開図
- n-gon
- nonagon
- oblique prism: 斜角柱
- obtuse angle
- obtuse triangle
- octagon
- octahedron
- opposite rays
- orthographic projection: 正射図法
- paragraph proof
- parallel lines
- parallel planes
- parallelogram:平行四辺形
- pentagon
- perpendicular bisector
- perpendicular lines
- plane
- Platonic solids
- point
- point of concurrency
- polygon
- polyhedeon
- postulate
- preimage
- prim:合同で平行な面を持つ多面体
- probability
- proof
- proportion: 2つの比が等しいことを述べた等式
- pyramid
- Pythagorean triple
- quadrilateral
- radius of a circle
- radius of a polygon
- radius of a sphere
- ratio of a to b
- ray
- rectangle
- reduction: dilation はenlargement と reductionとの分けられる
- reflection
- regular polygon
- regular polyhedron
- regular pyramid
- relative error
- rhombus
- right angle
- right cone
- right cylinder
- right prism
- right triangle
- rotation
- rotational symmetry
- scalar multiplication
- scale
- scale drawing
- scale factor of a dilation
- scale factor of two similar polygons
- scalene triangle: 不等辺三角形
- secant line: 割線
- sector of a circle
- segment
- segment bisector
- segments of a chord
- self-similar
- semicircle
- side of a polygon
- sides of an angle
- similar polygons
- similar solids
- sine
- skew lines: 同一平面上になくて、交わらない直線
- slant height of a regular pyramid
- slope of a line
- slope-intercept form
- solve a right triangle
- sphere
- square
- standard equation of a circle
- standard form of a linear equation
- straight angle
- supplementary angles
- surface area
- tangent
- tangent line
- taxicab geometry
- terminal point of a vector
- tessellation: モザイク張り、タイル敷き詰め
- tetrahedron
- theorem
- transformation
- translation
- transversal: 2本以上の同一平面上の直線と、異なる点で交差する直線
- trapezoid
- triangle
- trigonometric ratio: 三角比
- truth table: 真理値表 真偽表
- truth value of a statement
- two-column proof
- undefined term
- unit of measure
- vector
- vertex angle of an isosceles triangle
- vertex of a cone
- vertex of a polygon
- vertex of a polyhedron
- vertex of a pyramid
- vertex of an angle
- vertical angles: 対頂角
- vertical component of a vector:垂直成分
- volume of a solid