1細胞シークエンス for 癌ゲノム
- この論文から、癌ゲノムのための1細胞シークエンシングを理解するための用語を拾ってみる。その用語の端的な意味が解れば、論文の大意をとることができる
- Single cell sequencing
- evolutionary history of a tumor
- heterogeneous tumor, within tumors
- infer, inference vs. estimation
- phylogenetic tree
- most recent common ancestor(MRCA)
- copy number variation
- cluster, clustering
- distance in the tree between the samples
- exome sequencing
- evolutional mutation tree これはこの論文の本体概念
- root (of the tree)
- likelihood
- pairwise mutation orders
- minimum spanning tree (algorithm)
- gene tree algorithm by Gusfield
- perfect phylogeny
- coalescent theory
- sequencing error
- DNA mutation site gene tree これはこの論文の本体概念
- oncogenic tree algorithm by Desper
- causal relationship among copy number aberrations (causative mutations)
- comparative genomic hybridization (data)
- statistical model for inferring pairwise mutation orders
- Bayesian approach
- prior and posterior distributions of mutation orders