Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis (Statistics for Biology and Health)
- 作者: Kenneth Lange
- 出版社/メーカー: Springer
- 発売日: 2002/03/28
- メディア: ハードカバー
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 6回
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- 少し古いけれど、章立てが良いと思う。基本事項を押さえてあって、これがわかればたいていのことへの応用が可能と思う
- 1 Basic Principles of Population Genetics
- 2 Counting Methods and the EM Algorithm
- 3 Newton's Method and Scoring
- 4 Hypothesis Testing and Categorical Data
- 5 Genetic Identity Coefficients
- 6 Applications of Identiy Coefficients
- 7 Computation of Mendelian Likelihoods
- 8 The Polygenic Model
- 9 Descent Graph Methods
- 10 Molecular Phylogeny
- 11 Radiation Hybrid Mapping
- 12 Models of Recombination
- 13 Sequence Analysis
- 14 Poisson Approximation
- 15 Diffusion Processes