パラパラめくる『Nature Reviews Genetics』2018
- 12月号
- 11月号
- RNA velocity method ("RNA velocity that leverages nascent unspliced RNA to deduce the future transcriptional states of cells", "RNA velocity—the time derivative of the gene expression state—can be directly estimated by distinguishing between unspliced and spliced mRNAs in common single-cell RNA sequencing protocols"(Naturevolume 560, pages494–498 (2018) ))
- 10月号
- 9月号
- AML発病の『前がん状態』
- IDR("Many eukaryotic proteins contain intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), which serve as flexible platforms for protein–protein interactions and can phase-separate into liquid-like condensates. "]
- メンデリアン・ランダマイゼーション他(因果関係を推定するために遺伝的多様性を使う)
- polygenic risk scoresの有用性の現在
- 8月号
- 7月号
- 6 月号
- 5月号
- 4月号
- 3月号
- 2月号
- 1月号
- Alternate promoter selection
- R loop("R loops — hybrid nucleic acid structures in which RNA is hybridized to one strand of DNA while the other strand of DNA is displaced and 'loops out'. Chen et al. describe a chromatin ")
- Essentiality of genes