ぱらぱらめくる『Directional Statistics』
Directional Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
- 作者: Kanti V. Mardia,Peter E. Jupp
- 出版社/メーカー: Wiley
- 発売日: 1999/01
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 6回
- この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見る
install.packages("circular") library(circular)
- 目次
- 1 Circular Data
- 2 Summary Statistics
- 3 Basic Concepts and Models
- 4 Fundamental Theorems and Distribution Theory
- 5 Point Estimation
- 6 Tests of Uniformity and Tests of Goodness-of-Fit
- 7 Tests on von Mises Distributions
- 8 Non-parametric Methods
- 9 Distributions on Spheres
- 10 Inference on Spheres
- 11 Correlation and Regression
- 12 Modern Methodology
- 13 General Sample Spaces
- 14 Shape Analysis
- 細目次
- 1 Circular Data
- Introduction
- Diagrammatical representation
- Forms of frequency distributions
- Further examples of directional data
- 2 Summary Statistics
- Introduction
- Measures of location
- Measures of concentration and dispersion
- Trigonometric moments
- Corerctions for grouping
- 3 Basic Concepts and Models
- Introduction
- The distribution function
- The characteristic function
- Moments and measures of location and dispersion
- Circular models
- Multiply-wrapped distributions
- Distributions on the torus and the cylinder
- 4 Fundamental Theorems and Distribution Theory
- Introduction
- Properties of characteristic functions
- Limit theorems
- The distributions of and from the uniform distribution
- Distribution of C, S and R for A von Mises population
- Distributions related to the multi-sample problem for non Mises Populations
- Moments of
- Limiting distributions of circular statistics
- 5 Point Estimation
- Introduction
- Unbiased estimators and a Cramer-Rao bound
- von Mises distributions
- Wrapped cauchy distributions
- Mixtures of von Mises distributions
- 6 Tests of Uniformity and Tests of Goodness-of-Fit
- Introduction
- Graphical assessment of uniformity
- Tests of uniformity
- Tests of goodness-of-fit
- 7 Tests on von Mises Distributions
- Introduction
- Single-sample tests
- Two-sample tests
- Multi-sample tests
- Testing von Misesness
- 8 Non-parametric Methods
- Introduction
- Tests of symmetry
- Two-sample tests
- Multi-sample tests
- 9 Distributions on Spheres
- Spherical data
- Descriptive measures
- Models for spherical data
- Models for axial data
- Distribution theory
- Moments and limiting distributions
- 10 Inference on Spheres
- Introduction
- Exploratory adta analysis
- Point estimation
- Single-sample tests
- Two-sample tests
- Multi-sample tests
- Tests on axial distributions
- A general framework for testing uniformity
- 11 Correlation and Regression
- Introduction
- Measures of correlation
- Regression models
- Bivariate models
- Directional time series
- 12 Modern Methodology
- Introduction
- Outliers
- Goodness-of-fit
- Robust methods
- Bootstrap methods
- Density estimation
- Bayesian methods
- Curve fitting and smoothing
- Other methods
- 13 General Sample Spaces
- Introduction
- Frames and rotations
- Subspaces
- Other sample spaces
- 14 Shape Analysis
- Introduction
- Mean shape and variation
- Shape coordinate systems and uniform distributions
- A test of uniformity
- Shape distributions
- Complex bingham distributions
- Complex watson distributions
- The complex angular gaussian model
- A rotationality symmetric shape family
- Shapes in higher dimensions