- 記事の目次・リストはこちら
- New dimensions in immunology
- heterogeneity and randomnessとを捉えることが免疫系の理解
- heterogeneity and randomnessを扱うための実験技術・データ解析技術の登場・進歩
- 個別細胞解析を許す諸技術(Deep seqence、然り)
- heterogeneity and randomnessとは、たとえば
- 体差・個人内差(interindividual and intraindividual diversity)
- 実験動物とは異なる遺伝的多様性と環境多様性
- 確率的決定機構であること
- Computational resources for high-dimensional immune analysis from the Human Immunology Project Consortium
- NIH系のHuman Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) が立ち上がり、以下を目標に
- Development and implementation of standards for data collection, integration and data exchange
- Development of state-of-the-art algorithms and tools for the modeling and integration of heterogeneous immunological data
- Development and implementation of a central database and analysis engine providing easy access to all data generated through HIPC.
- NIAID Immunology Database and Analysis Portal (ImmPort) systemは既存の免疫系データレポジトリ
- データ解析手法の方は:
- Modeling bead-level data for advanced Luminex data analysis
- Deconvoluting high-bandwidth data to parse out cell-specific effects
- Creating an immune signatures collection for gene set enrichment analysis ([(ttp://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/collections.jsp#C7:title=リンク]
- Network modeling of vaccine responses
- Designing more advanced human leukocyte antigen typing methods13, 14
- Developing ultrasensitive physical detection technologies to identify T-cell epitopes15.
- ちなみにImmune Spaceという免疫系データ解析サイトがあり、R,Bioconductor,knitrを使っているそうです。
- NIH系のHuman Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) が立ち上がり、以下を目標に
- Quantitative shotgun proteomics: considerations for a high-quality workflow in immunology
- discovery-driven quantitative proteomics
- 何をターゲットにするかでいくつか分類
- Total proteomes: dynamic composition of total proteomes including protein synthesis and degradation
- Subcellular proteomes: dynamics of proteomes of organelles and subcellular structures, intracellular trafficking or protein secretion
- Protein-protein interaction: association of proteins (such as receptors) with protein ligands, co-receptors or adaptor proteins and their assembly into macromolecular 'machines'. Protein-nucleic acid interaction: interaction of proteins with DNA or RNA in a sequence-dependent and context-dependent manner.
- Post-translational modifications: dynamics of covalent protein modifications such as phosphorylation (P), ubiquitylation (U), acetylation, glycosylation and others.
- Shotgun proteomicsの4ステップ
- In step 1, proteins are extracted from tissues, body fluids, cells or subcellular compartments.
- In step 2, proteins are proteolytically digested.
- In step 3, peptides are separated by UHPLC.
- In step 4, peptides are ionized by electrospray (electrospray ionization, ESI), and their masses and fragment masses are acquired in a mass spectrometer.
- Quantitationについて
- データ解析(FDR)
- Identification of peptides: Peptide and fragment masses are searched in an organism-specific sequence database and then scored. Identifications are evaluated with a target-decoy–based FDR threshold.
- tides are mapped to proteins in an FDR-controlled approach
- Presentation and integration of data
- Unifying immunology with informatics and multiscale biology
- 免疫関係でゲノム・エピゲノム・・・Cytome(フローサイトメータ)…フェノームを縦串する
- 機能と実体とネットワークとの知的マイニング
- 色々なデータベースをつなぎましょう→ウェブリソース
- Single-cell technologies for monitoring immune systems
- 1細胞解析で免疫系を理解する
- PFC : highly multiplexed polychromatic flow cytometry
- multiplexed depth for flow cytometry
- up to 20 distinct channels of data for a given cell and can routinely process millions of cells per sample in a few minutes
- Mass cytometry
- mass spectrometry with single-cell fluidics
- Imaging flow cytometry
- The combination of fluorescence flow cytometry with microscopy imaging
- その他の1細胞解析技術(Microtools)
- microfluidic systems and simple spatial arrays of nanoliter-scale wells
- 1細胞発現など
- 1細胞⇔1細胞コミュニケーションも俎上に
- 1細胞RNAseq
- microfluidic systems and simple spatial arrays of nanoliter-scale wells
- The promise and challenge of high-throughput sequencing of the antibody repertoire
- 1細胞シークエンスにより、リンパ球のゲノム配列変化が調べられるようになっている
- 実験エラーと真の体細胞組換えのバリエーションの区別はまだ課題
- Beyond model antigens: high-dimensional methods for the analysis of antigen-specific T cells
- 1個のT細胞のフェノタイプ評価、その時間変化
- 利用技術は1題前の、「1細胞解析技術」で